


Art. 1 The Association of Italian Ski Instructors (A.M.S.I.) is founded with head office in Milan. It: - is a non-profit association; - has unlimited duration; - is distinguished by the logo, registered according to the law, bearing, among the other distinctive signs, the following wording: "SCUOLA ITALIANA SCI" ("ITALIAN SKI SCHOOL").


Art. 2 The logo of the Association may be used exclusively by the Regional Associations, by the Associations of the Autonomous Provinces affiliated to the AMSI, and by Ski Instructors who are members of a Regional or Provincial Association. The logo may also be used by ski schools that are authorised to do so by their regional or provincial Association, affiliated to the AMSI. In principle, the staff of authorised schools should be composed entirely of affiliated instructors. The Board of Directors of the AMSI may allow the use of the logo by third parties on the occasion of sponsorship granted by the AMSI for particularly important events. The Regional and Provincial Associations, Ski Schools and Ski Instructors may use the AMSI logo superimposing, on the central band, in place of the letters AMSI, the name of the Regional or Provincial Association, or the name of the Ski School recognised or authorised by the competent Administrative Authorities, or the word "Maestro" or "Maestra" (Instructor). The AMSI logo may be applied on the uniform used for teaching skiing. It may also be reproduced on letterheads, printouts, motor vehicles, in digital form, on the sign of the Ski Schools and of the regional and provincial Associations, using the graphics indicated in Attachment A of these Statutes. No variation is allowed in the form, colour or contents of the logo. Any other use must be authorised beforehand by the Board of Directors of the AMSI. It is expressly forbidden for the Regional and Provincial Associations, the Ski Schools and the Ski Instructors to grant the use of the logo to third parties, for any reason. The Board of Directors of the AMSI may suspend the right to use the logo of any Regional or Provincial Association, Ski School or Ski Instructor that makes use of the logo in a manner not conforming with the rulings of this article, and in any way that could harm the image of the AMSI. Individual Ski Instructors and Ski Schools that cease to be members of the Association, or that are defaulting in the payment of the yearly membership fee, immediately lose the right to use the logo of the Association in any form, without having to be notified by the Board. FINAL AND TRANSITIONAL PROVISIONS In view of the expiry dates of the administrative terms of office in the Regional and Provincial Associations, which in the great majority are renewed the year after the national associations, it is resolved to extend the mandate of the national AMSI until after the General Meeting to be held in 2007. The variations in the Statutes have been approved by the extraordinary meeting held at Lazise del Garda on 29th May 2004.


Art. 3 Whereas the Association claims the legitimacy of its existence according to art. 18 and 39 Of the Constitution of the Republic, it intends to pursue the following aims:•principally, the carrying out of trade union activity, both as a basically unitary, representative body (when necessary, promoting, as surviving body, mergers with other trade union Associations of the category of Ski Instructors, in Italy and abroad) and as a member of Federations of Associations of other categories of self-employed workers. For this purpose the Association attends to:either the safeguarding of the moral, economic, professional and judicial interests of the category and its members, promoting and increasing the formation of the above-mentioned "Federations";or the improvement of the working conditions, with particular regard to the safeguarding of health and physical wellbeing, promoting the development of assistance and welfare ventures in order to ensure a complete social security system for Ski Instructors; •he coordination, according to the laws in force, in each Region and on the national territory, of actions, ventures and resolutions in the superior interest of the category;•the stipulation of agreements aimed at obtaining the supply and protection of the national uniform, of clothing, accessories and equipment, as well as commodities of any kind at particularly favourable conditions for members;•the choice of the style, colour and characteristics of the national uniform;•undertaking ventures of a cultural, recreational and promotional nature for spreading the practice of the sport of skiing and increasing national and international tourism, collaborating in the best possible way with any public or private body enabled for this purpose.


Art. 4 Particular but essential aims are:•to pursue the issuing of laws and regulations concerning the profession of   Ski Instructor;•to propose the most suitable regulations concerning the requirements, recognition, establishment, organisation operation and coordination of Ski Schools.


Art. 5 The Association of Italian Ski Instructors is composed by the Regional Associations and by the Associations of Ski Instructors of the Autonomous Provinces who ask for and obtain affiliation the AMSI. Only Regional or Provincial Associations with a minimum number of 200 members can be affiliated to the AMSI, with the exception of Associations that were already members on 31/12/95, and subject to any exceptions that may be decided by the General Meeting of Delegates. Each Regional or Provincial Association that applies for affiliation to the AMSI must first submit its Statutes to the Board of Directors for approval. These Statutes must not be in conflict with the national statutes; any subsequent amendments to the statutes must also be submitted for approval. The statutes of the Regional or Provincial Associations must allow for the registration of Ski Instructors regularly enabled in neighbouring Regions that do not have an Association that is a member of the AMSI. By presenting the application for affiliation, the Regional and Provincial Associations accept the statutes and any regulations of the AMSI without reserve, on their own behalf and on that of their members. Regularly enabled Ski Instructors, who are members of a Regional or Provincial Association, enjoy all the rights and observe the duties contemplated in these statutes.


Art. 6 The Regional and Provincial Associations that constitute the Association of Italian Ski Instructors undertake:•to observe and to ensure that their members observe the statutes and the other provisions of the representative bodies of the Association; •to promote the achieving of the aims of the Association; •or maintain suitable collegial relationships with the other Regional or Provincial Associations such as to favour the exchange of information and experience; •to pay to the Association of Italian Ski Instructors the yearly membership fees established by the General Meeting.


Art. 7 Regional and Provincial Associations cannot promote any venture or event in the name and on behalf of the A.M.S.I. unless they have been specifically authorised to do so beforehand by the Board of Directors.


Art. 8 Regional and Provincial Associations that are seriously in default regarding their statutory duties, including the non-payment or incomplete payment of the membership fees for over 6 months, may be excluded from the A.M.S.I. with the majority vote of the Board of Directors.


Art. 9 The total assets are composed of:•the membership fees;•subsidies, contributions and bequests;•moveable and immovable property and equipment owned by the association;•contributions from supplying companies and those using the "OFFICIAL SUPPLIERS" logo.


Art. 10 The administrative bodies of the Association are:•the General Meeting;•the President;•the Vicepresident;•the Board of Directors;•the Executive Committee;•the Board of Auditors;•the Ethics and Disciplinary Committee. All the positions are filled only by members who are Ski Instructors.


Art. 11 The General Meeting is the highest body of the Association. It holds supreme power and is distinguished as: Ordinary: to be held once a year before 30th June; extraordinary: to be held whenever the Board of Directors deems it necessary or when it is requested by at least one third of the delegates specified in art. 12. It may also be convened according to art. 18, letter c) of these statutes. The Meetings are called with the publication of the notice containing the items on the agenda by registered letter with recorded delivery to be sent at least 15 days prior to the date set for the meeting at the head office of the Regional or Provincial Associations. 


Art. 12 The General Meeting of the Association (A.M.S.I.) is composed of the delegates of the Regional or Provincial Associations. Each Regional or Provincial Association takes part in the Meeting with one delegate for every 100 members or fraction higher than 50. Besides the number of delegates of the individual Regional or Provincial Associations taking part in the Meeting, the Presidents also take part by right. The Meeting, both ordinary and extraordinary, is validly constituted at the first call when delegates representing half plus one of the valid votes are present. If one hour has passed without this majority being reached, the Meeting is deemed regularly constituted at the second call, whatever the number of delegates present. The Meeting, when validly constituted, represents all the members, who are bound by the decisions taken. The resolutions of the meeting are adopted on an absolute majority of the persons present entitled to vote. Votes are made by a show of hands, unless one quarter of the persons entitled to vote asks for voting by secret ballot.


Art. 13 The Meeting resolves on: * the policies and criteria of the association activity; * the general technical and organisational policy; * the balance sheets ; * the determination of the membership fee; * the election of the Auditors and of the Ethics and Disciplinary Committee; * the modifications to be made to the statutes; * the eventual winding up of the Association; * other topics on the agenda and those that the majority of the persons present agree to discuss.


Art. 14 The President is elected by the Board of Directors and legally represents the Association. In dealing with urgent business, the President may take decisions to be submitted to the Board of Directors for approval. The position of National President of the A.M.S.I. is incompatible with the simultaneous holding of the office of President of a Regional or Provincial Association of Ski Instructors. Taking over the office and accepting the position of National President by the elected party shall imply the expiry of the office of President of any Regional or Provincial Association of Ski Instructors. In the case of absence or impediment of the President, the functions are exercised by the Vicepresident, who is also elected by the Board of Directors.


Art. 15 The Executive Committee is composed of the President, the Vicepresident, and three members elected by the Board of Directors. It has the task of enforcing the resolutions of the Board of Directors and carrying out actions of routine administration. The Executive Committee is called by the President whenever he deems it necessary, with a notice to be sent at least 10 days before the meeting. In cases of exceptional urgency, the Executive Committee may be called by telegraph or telefax. However, it is validly constituted even in the absence of a regular call if all the members are present. Minutes are kept of the proceedings of the Executive Committee, signed by the President. The members of the Board of Directors will also be informed of the meetings of the Executive Committee.


Art. 16 The Board of Directors is composed of the President and a delegate of each regularly affiliated Regional or Provincial Association, as member by right. For each component, an alternative member is also appointed. The Board has a term of office of four years. The Board of Directors appoints the President and the Treasurer and, choosing among its number, the Vicepresident and the three members of the Executive Committee.


Art. 17 The Board of Directors must meet at least four times a year, called by the President by registered letter containing the agenda, to be sent at least ten days before the meeting. The Board enforces the resolutions of the Meeting, manages the budget and resolves on the exclusion of defaulting Regional or Provincial Associations according to art. 8, approves the resolutions of the President, issues rules and regulations concerning the policies of the Meeting, proposes topics to be submitted for voting by the Meetings, both ordinary and extraordinary, promotes gatherings and resolves on any other venture considered suitable to achieve the aims of the association, designates the Association's representatives in category bodies of an international nature and in other bodies that require it, resolves on the admission to the National Association of Regional and Provincial Associations of Ski Instructors as contemplated by art. 5. Among its tasks, the Board may also appoint directors, proxies, executive officers and representatives of the Association, determining their powers and specific tasks. With the exception of questions regarding the budget and the exclusion of Associations, the Board of Directors may from time to time delegate part of its tasks to the Executive Committee for a more agile operation of the Association. The Board resolves on an absolute majority with the presence of half plus one of its members; in the case of a tie, the President's vote is decisive. Each member of the Board of Directors is entitled to one vote. For the appointment of the President, at least two thirds of the members of the Board of Directors must be present. The individual Directors express a vote proportional to the number of members of the Regional or Provincial Association that they represent and their appointment requires a qualified majority representing at least two thirds of the members. At the third vote the Board resolves with the absolute majority of the members. Save in the case where they have expressed their disagreement, the members of the Board of Directors answer jointly for their actions to the Meeting and before third parties. The members of the Board of Auditors and the Treasurer may attend the Board meetings, on invitation by the President and only in an advisory capacity. The Board of Directors must be considered validly called, even in the absence of a formal invitation, when all members are present at the meeting. All the resolutions of the Board of Directors are reported in a book of minutes written by the President or by the Secretary designated when opening the proceedings.


Art. 18 The Board of Auditors is composed of three regular members, one of whom acts as President, and two alternative members. It has a term of office of 4 years. The tasks of the Board of Auditors include: •examining the final balances;•checking the cash and the account books;calling an extraordinary Meeting if any serious irregularities in administration are found.


Art. 19 The Ethics and Disciplinary Committee has a term of office of four years and is composed of three members, one of whom acts as President. It is the task of the Ethics and Disciplinary Committee to judge all disputes that may arise among the Regional and Provincial Associations and between these and the Board of Directors concerning relationships deriving from the statutes. Before adopting their decisions, the Ethics and Disciplinary Committee must hear the parties. It is also up to the Ethics and Disciplinary Committee to make an authentic interpretation of the statutory rules. The decisions of the Ethics and Disciplinary Committee are final.


Art. 20 The Association can only be wound up following a resolution to that effect by the Meeting, adopted with the qualified majority of two thirds of the votes legally expressed. The resolution to wind up the Association must indicate how its assets are to be used.


Art. 21 The Board of Directors is authorised to prepare a special regulation for the enforcements of these statutes, which must be approved by the Meeting.


Updated with the amendments made by the Extraordinary General Meeting on 30th October and on 29th May 2010.




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